
Advantage With SPIDER PEB System

The SPIDER advantage

       An experienced design - detailing - checking team backed up by meticulous execution team
       Optimized design of steel thereby reducing weight, while meeting all design requirements
       Easy integration of all traditional construction materials such as brick work, glazing, timber, concrete, etc.
       Quality design, manufacturing, erection and installation.
       Efficient & Economical building system.



Customized Design Solutions
Our team of technical experts offer you a complete customized solution on studying your requirement. We not only help you in the design of structure but on understanding your need, we also guide you in selection of the most appropriate Building & Roofing system along with accessories.

Approved International Standards
We manufacture as per latest editions of codes such as IS 800:2007, IS875.

We also follow codes such as

       Low rise buildings system Manual - Metal Building Manufacturers Association - USA
       Manual for Steel Construction, Allowable stress Design- American institute of Steel Construction In Cold- Formed Steel design Manual- American Iron and Steel Institute.